Cloud Native OCI

đŸ’ģ Workshop Preparation

Created with ❤ by Oracle A-Team


The following applications are required for the workshop. Please 🙏 ensure access and/or installation of recent versions ahead of time

Name Description Required?
OCI Tenancy ℹī¸ Access to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console and resources ✅1
Docker ℹī¸ Docker engine including Kubernetes and kubectl ✅
Helm ℹī¸ Kubernetes Package Manager ✅
OCI Command Line Oracle Cloud Infrastructure command line interface ✅2
svcat ℹī¸ Kubernetes Service Catalog CLI
JSON CLI Processor Command line utility for parsing JSON outputs
PowerShell or cmder Windows command line shell ✅3
1Tenancy access may or may not be provided. Plan to use your own.
2OCI command line is required if using an OKE cluster.
3Required for Windows users.

Configure Tenancy

When a tenancy is created, an Administrators group is automatically created for the tenancy. Users that are members of the default Administrators group can perform any operation on resources in the tenancy.

  • Compartment
  • API User
  • User Policies
  • Service Limits
  • ✅ Checklist
  • Depending on the tenancy and your level of access, you may want (or need) to create a compartment dedicated to this application and the resources allocated.
    1. Launch OCI Console
    2. Governance and Admininstration » Identity » Compartments »
    3. ✏ī¸ Make note of the Compartment OCID
    ℹī¸ Documentation
  • You will need a User with API Key access in your tenancy. This can be your personal user account, or a virtual user specific to usage of this application.
    1. Open OCI Console
    2. Governance and Admininstration » Identity » Users
    3. Select or create the user you wish to use
    4. If necessary, follow these instructions to create an API key
    5. ✏ī¸ Make note of the following items:
      • User OCID
      • API Key Fingerprint
  • If your configured User (with API Key) is not a member of the Administrators Group, then a Group with specific Policies must be created, and the User added as a member
    1. Open OCI Console
    2. Governance and Admininstration » Identity » Groups »
    3. Specify metadata for the Group, and make note of the
    4. Click the button and select your API User
    5. Governance and Admininstration » Identity » Policies »
    6. Create a Policy with the following statement:
      Allow group <GroupName> to manage all-resources in compartment <CompartmentName>
    ⚠ī¸ This policy is intentionally broad for the sake of simplicity, and is not recommended in most real-world use cases. Refer to the Documentation for more on this topic.
  • Use of Cloud Native services in OCI will be subject to Service Limits in your tenancy. Please check minimum resource availability as follows:
    1. Open OCI Console Limits
    2. Governance and Admininstration » Governance » Limits, Quotas, and Usage
    3. Check Limits
    Service Description Requirement
    Database Autonomous Transaction Processing OCPU Count >=1
    Streaming Partition Count >=1
    ⚠ī¸ Default is 0 for Trial Tenancies
    ℹī¸ This does not include requirements in cases where OKE is used. If using an OKE cluster, please refer to OKE Instructions
  • Many of these configurations will be used at different times within the material that follows. Create a file with the following information to simplify lookups later.
    region:       # Region where resources will be provisioned. (ex: us-phoenix-1)
    tenancy:      # Tenancy OCID value
    user:         # API User OCID value
    compartment:  # Compartment OCID value
    key:          # Private API Key file path (ex: /Users/jdoe/.oci/oci_key.pem)
    fingerprint:  # Public API Key fingerprint (ex: 43:65:2c...)
    ℹī¸ It is also recommeded to configure the OCI Command Line with using these values. Refer the Documentation on CLI configuration .

Setup Docker/K8s

Several exercises in the workshop require the use of Docker & Kubernetes. Please follow these instructions to setup your environment.

  • Install Docker
  • Enable K8s (Mac)
  • Enable K8s (Windows)
  • kubectl
  • Depending on operating system, Docker may be installed in a number of ways, with the simplest option being Docker Desktop.

    ⚠ī¸ Docker Desktop for Windows requires Hyper-V support. There are several options available, please choose accordingly.

    Windows users must select the option for Linux containers.

  • Docker » Preferences
    ℹī¸ This also installs the kubectl CLI
    Enable K8S
  • Installing Docker and running a local Kubernetes cluster on a Windows machine will depend on the operating system, and features available - namely Hyper-V
    ℹī¸ If using a local K8s cluster presents an inconvenience, it is recommended to setup an OKE cluster instead. In this situation, a local installation of the Kubernetes command line: kubectl is also necessary.
    Enable K8S
    1. ⚠ī¸ Verify kubectl is installed
    2. Check kubectl context
      kubectl config current-context
    3. Set the default kubectl namespace to skip adding
      --namespace <name> to every command:
      TIP: use kubens to switch namespace easily & often from the command line
      Use "mushop":
      kubectl create namespace mushop
      kubectl config set-context \
        --current --namespace=mushop
      Use "your name":
      kubectl create namespace <your_name>
      kubectl config set-context \
        --current --namespace=<your_name>

Prepare OKE Cluster

As an alternative to a local Kubernetes cluster, you may wish to utilize an OKE cluster. Please follow these instructions to setup an OKE cluster.

  • OKE IAM Policies
  • Create Cluster
  • Configure kubectl
  • K8s Dashboard
  • Before you can use Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) to manage clusters, the tenancy's root compartment must include a policy to allow OKE to perform necessary operations.
    1. Open OCI Console
    2. Governance and Admininstration » Identity » Policies » Create
    3. Click the button
    4. Create a Policy with the following Statement:
      Allow service OKE to manage all-resources in tenancy
    ℹī¸ Documentation
  • Developer Services » Container Clusters (OKE) »
    Console - Cluster Creation
  • Configure kubectl command line tool with
    Console - Accessing Kubeconfig
    mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
    oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --cluster-id ocid1.cluster.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaae3dgnlgmqzgczjsg4zgeyjzhfsggmrvmi3ggobwgczgezlcgrsg --file $HOME/.kube/config --region us-phoenix-1
    export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
  • Access the Kubernetes Dashboard UI
    Console - Accessing Kubernetes Dashboard
    kubectl proxy

    Open http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

Helm/svcat Installation

  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Windows (svcat)
  • Linux
  • Install Homebrew, a MacOS package manager, if not yet installed

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    Install Helm using this command. Will also install the optional svcat cli

    brew update && brew install kubernetes-helm kubernetes-service-catalog-client

    Check if you have helm installed on the local K8s (Docker Desktop)

    helm version

    The Helm version command should give result similar to this:

    > helm version
    Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
    Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}

    If you receive an error that helm could not find tiller pod on the server, do this:

    helm init --history-max 200
  • Install Chocolatey, a Windows package manager, if not yet installed

    Install Helm using this command

    choco install kubernetes-helm

    Check if you have helm installed on the local K8s (Docker Desktop)

    helm version

    The Helm version command should give result similar to this:

    c:\ helm version
    Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
    Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3", GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}

    If you receive an error that helm could not find tiller pod on the server, do this:

    helm init --history-max 200
  • Install the svcat cli:

    iwr '' -UseBasicParsing -OutFile svcat.exe
    mkdir -f ~\bin
    $env:PATH += ";${pwd}\bin"
    svcat version --client

    Or download the binary directly and make executable: svcat.exe download

  • See linuxbrew and follow directions as in MacOS

👌 All Set!

Version: 1.8.0
Build: 2022-02-17T05:02:17Z
Š 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.