Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
to manage any
cloud, infrastructure, or service
resource "oci_core_virtual_network" "mushopVCN" {
cidr_block = ""
compartment_id = "${var.compartment_ocid}"
display_name = "mushop-${random_id.mushop_id.dec}"
dns_label = "mushopvcn${random_id.mushop_id.dec}"
Terraform will perform the following actions:
<= data.oci_database_autonomous_database_wallet.autonomous_database_wallet
id: <computed>
autonomous_database_id: "${}"
base64_encode_content: "false"
content: <computed>
password: <sensitive>
# ...
Plan: 33 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Resource Manager is a managed service that can provision all Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources and services. Resource Manager reduces configuration errors and increases productivity by managing IaC using industry standard Hashicorp Terraform